Britain is dying.
Our civilisation is being destroyed in front of our very eyes.
The corrupt British Ruling Elite are controlled by the international Money Men. Over the last 60 years the British Ruling Elite have been stealthily imposing an International Agenda whereby British civilisation is being deliberately and systematically destroyed. Since the British Ruling Elite have total monopoly control over the House of Commons through the Political Party system, it is quite impossible for British Citizens to stop any of the following aspects of the International Agenda of:
i. encouraging, organising, funding and accommodating in hotels and other temporary places a deliberate flood of huge numbers of illegal military-age male African and Muslim mercenaries into the country, who even now greatly outnumber the British Army;
ii. deliberate lies, deceit and coordinated propaganda of the corrupt and controlled establishment media;
iii. officially promoted White Replacement and Anti-White Hate;
iv. recruitment, selection and promotion being required to be on the basis of Non-White Privilege and woke privilege;
v. the official terror campaign against free speech (including de-banking);
vi. intentionally exposing our children to degeneracy, depravity, confusion by the official promotion of LGBT;
vii. the education system being corrupted into a brainwashing and indoctrination process of misinformation and political propaganda—specifically designed to stunt the intellectual development, knowledge and skills of white children and young people;
viii. the spreading of nanotechnological bots;
ix. national suicide by fraudulent Net Zero Carbon and the destruction of the farming industry;
x. the deliberate de-industrialisation and destruction of national independence of Britain by internationally-controlled Monopoly Capitalism;
xi. foreign policies deliberately designed to provoke wars;
xii. the imposition of tyranny on Britain with UN treaties, the CBDC and the digital Infrastructure of Slavery;
xiii. the deliberate destruction of the British armed services.
The British Ruling Elite are a blight and curse on the British people. Unless they are stopped the British Ruling Elite, on instructions from their international controllers, will inevitably destroy all British culture and civilisation and they will destroy all the freedom of the British people. The only way they can be stopped is if they lose their monopoly control over the House of Commons.
Reconstructing Britain is absolutely feasible, but this cannot be done if the current British Ruling Elite remain in control of the country. The British Ruling Elite maintain their control of the House of Commons by means of the corrupt Political Party system. This must now change.
Real power must now be transferred to British Citizens in their capacity as constituents. The UK Political Party system must be abolished and all MPs must be independents, contractually bound to their constituents, who alone can dismiss them—a "New Parliamentary System". This is true democracy—Direct Democracy.
There must be an immediate General Election in accordance with the New Parliamentary System.
Under the present constitutional arrangements MPs are considered to be merely "representatives" of their constituents. In other words, once they are elected, MPs have no further legal duty to their constituents; they merely "represent" their constituents in Parliament. So the Political Party immediately takes over and MPs have to do whatever their Party tells them to do, whatever promises the MP may have made at election time and whatever the constituents might think—or else they face deselection and removal as MP for the constituency concerned.
Under the current constitutional arrangements, elections are won by the Political Party, not the individual MP—however well-known or effective that MP might be. MPs depend on their Political Party for their career advancement, promotion, appointments to Government office, appointment to Parliamentary committees, preferment and benefits, indeed for their entire career and for their ability to keep it. MPs with safe majorities have a job, income and celebrity status for the rest of their working life, as long as they totally obey their Political Party in every word and deed; so far as the British people are concerned, these are some of the very worst of MPs. For all the years between elections, MPs do not need to care about the opinions or welfare of their constituents; all MPs need to care about is that they are not deselected by their Political Party. MPs have to act and vote exactly as they are told, or they will get deselected, and so they are required to lie and deceive. MPs are completely controlled by the dictatorial power of their Political Party which in turn is controlled by a handful of people who control the party machine, and they in turn are controlled by the international Money Men.
Between them, the Political Parties and the corrupt and controlled media spin a fake myth of democracy. The two main Political Parties pretend that they have differing philosophies and the controlled media work along with that pretence, but both parties and the media are working towards the same overall International Agenda. There is in reality a Uniparty system. They are all bought and sold by the Money Men.
The main Political Parties swamp out all other parties and prevent them gaining seats in Parliament. So any policy not supported by the main parties has no chance of being adopted or advanced. The situation is a complete denial of democracy. All conventional opposition still tries to operate by way of new political parties within the existing constitutional system of this country—but trying to build up a new political party is now quite pointless, as the existing constitutional and electoral system is completely corrupt and prevents new parties from being elected.
The 2024 General Election showed that the existing political process is a complete denial of democracy and is quite unacceptable. The Labour Party secured 34% of the votes in the election (a historically low figure for a winning party) but were given 64% of the seats in the House of Commons. Another party secured 14% of the votes and only got 1% of the seats.
The Political Party system prevents MPs from properly reflecting the wishes of their constituents. This is the reason why the flood of immigration is never stopped. Because of the Political Party system, no new ideas or reforms can be introduced free from the controlling influence of the Money Men.
The British Ruling Elite use the Political Party system to keep their monopoly control over the legislature, and thereby their control over the country. The only reason that the Government was able to bring in the provisions of the Fake Virus Crisis-State Terrorism was because MPs (cowed by the tyranny of the Political Party system) allowed them to do so, and constituents had no influence over their MPs.
Particularly during this scandal, it has been proved conclusively that it is quite hopeless to expect integrity and public-spirited idealism from MPs under the Political Party system. It is only because the Political Party system has so stunted and corrupted MPs, that the British Ruling Elite—bought and controlled by the Money Men—have had a free hand to destroy the very fabric of our civilisation to advance the International Agenda.
But there is no statute that requires the existence of a Political Party system.
Accordingly, it is proposed that there is a New Parliamentary System under which the current Political Party system is abolished, so that there is a fundamental and permanent transfer of real power from the controlled and corrupt British Ruling Elite to individual British Citizens.
1. The Political Party system will be abolished; all MPs will be independents; they will be contractually bound to their constituents and if they break their contractual duties they can be directly removed by their constituents.
2. The British Constitution will become a Direct Democracy where MPs will no longer be "representatives" of their constituents (where they have to do whatever their Political Party tells them)—but delegates of their constituents where they are contractually bound to fulfil legally binding "Delegated Duties" to their constituents directly. Delegated Duties of an MP can arise in any of the following ways:
i. The Election Manifesto of each MP is legally binding, unless there has been
a material change of circumstances.
ii. Formal election or other promises given by an MP to their constituents.
iii. By holding Local Referendums within the constituency concerned,
constituents can require their MP to vote for and promote the issue decided
upon in the Local Referendum.
3. Breach of a Delegated Duty by an MP is a Directly Enforceable Offence enforceable directly by any of their constituents, where the MP can be directly removed from office.
[For further details of the New Parliamentary System together with the Reformed Electoral Provisions and the Provisions Relating to the Conduct of Elected Persons, see section "NEW PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM"near the start of Part 3 of the book "The Counter Revolution: A Blueprint for Reconstructing Britain" ]
This transfer of real power to individual British Citizens would constitute the most significant constitutional reform since the Civil War in the 17th Century.
1. Abolition of the Political Party system would enable a fundamental and permanent transfer of real power from the corrupt and toxic British Ruling Elite to individual British Citizens.
i. Only constituents would now be able to make the MPs lose their office.
ii. The wishes and opinions of their constituents would therefore be of prime and overriding importance for the MP, throughout the whole of their term of office. Their career as an MP would depend on them satisfactorily meeting the requirements of their constituents.
2. MPs would not be accredited to any Political Party either at election time or at any time during their time in office.
3. MPs would have free votes on all issues, but these votes would have to reflect each MP's Delegated Duties to their constituents.
4. All parts of the country would now have a direct and equal voice in Parliament, and the domination by London and metropolitan interests would end.
5. MPs would be made to look to and serve their constituents locally—to build, reflect and promote genuine and mutually supportive local communities, local identity, allegiance and individuality.
6. Abolition of the corrupt Political Party system would enable an unprecedented flowering of true democracy, which would provide the freedom to adopt new ideas and policies to transform and uplift individuals and society, free from the control of Money Men.
7. The personal quality and character of the candidate (and, where appropriate, their record in office) would now be much more important.
8. The abolition of the Political Party system would free the political process of the hidden corruption inherent in the culture of political donations to Political Parties.
9. Governments would be formed by MPs who have and retain enough support among their fellow MPs. All decisions would be made by discussion and genuine consensus, which is how it was always supposed to be. With Direct Democracy, constituents can always and instantly have an influence on Government actions and policies—to the horror of the British Ruling Elite.
10. Being an MP would now have a totally new ethos; they would have a business and contractual relationship with their constituents, similar to any professional consultant. Accordingly, it is intended that a new class of MP would be attracted by the salary to dedicate themselves single-mindedly to providing effective professional services promoting the interests of their constituents; they would have a very strong incentive not to lose their office and income by failing to look after their constituents. They would be answerable to no-one but their constituents. This is the best way to ensure good service.
11. Once Political Parties are abolished and MPs are directly controlled by constituents, power in the country would be decentralised and the power of the international Money Men would be crippled. Removing the power of the Money Men and their collaborators would free the legislature to enact a comprehensive set of reforms, including reconstructing British civilisation and stopping the CBDC and the Global Tyranny with its digital Infrastructure of Slavery.
Serious rebellion against the ruling authorities precipitated Magna Carta, and a Civil War was necessary to bring about the constitutional changes of the 17th Century. The importance of this constitutional crisis matches that of any previous crisis of the British Constitution, and the situation needs special solutions. MPs and members of the House of Lords have been directly instrumental in enabling the international Money Men to destroy our civilisation. They must not be allowed to prevent the process of reform that is needed for the benefit of individual British Citizens. These bought parasites have done enough.
Many reforms are needed to reverse the International Agenda.
A comprehensive blueprint of reforms to reconstruct Britain is set out in the Programme of National Reform contained in Part 3 of "The Counter Revolution: A Blueprint for Reconstructing Britain" which can be downloaded without charge from Here.
However, since it is highly unlikely that the British Ruling Elite will agree to the New Parliamentary System (or be allowed to agree to it by their international controllers), the British people will be forced into taking direct action by means of massive non-violent civil disobedience (as exemplified by Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr) to require that it is put into effect.

The dangers threatening the country are so serious and so urgent that British Citizens must now form a mass non-violent Resistance Movement to demand an immediate General Election in accordance with the New Parliamentary System, under which the corrupt
Political Party system is abolished and all MPs are independents contractually bound to their constituents—so reforms required by constituents can be put in place without delay.
The reforms suggested in the book are given as a template. [For further details of the proposed Resistance Movement see section entitled "RESISTANCE MOVEMENT" at the end of Part 3 of the book, which can be downloaded free HERE.