The legacy media, all of it, is uniform in its mendacious reporting of the continued persecution of the State’s Enemy No.1, Tommy Robinson, and clearly colluding in and encouraging the persecution of the best-known of Britain’s growing number of political prisoners.
Nowhere will you find honest reporting or analysis, but everywhere lies, smears and slander. It is all but impossible to get through two paragraphs in any MSM report about Robinson without coming across a reference to the EDL or the words racist and far right. But always these are mere assertions. No evidence is ever given. There will be no reference to racist quotes, because Robinson has not made any.
You most certainly will not be told the truth, which is that Robinson joined the BNP as an impressionable young man, but left when he learned that they did not accept his black friends, or that when he started the EDL it was open to all, black, white, brown, Hindus, Sikhs, everybody, and that it’s target was the Islamification of Britain, not individual Muslims.
Even less will you find an honest analysis of the weaponisation of the courts against him and those opposing the globalist Establishment’s destruction of British national identity, or the use of contempt of court orders as a weapon of censorship, used ruthlessly to suppress freedom of expression and the truth.
Tommy Robinson is routinely associated with negative events, as this passage shows: “Robinson has been linked to the rioting that has broken out in the wake of the senseless murder of three girls in Southport, Merseyside on Monday. On Tuesday evening, a mob surrounded Southport’s mosque, throwing bricks and bottles, setting fire to a police car and chanting, ‘Who the fuck is Allah?’ – a favourite chant of the EDL. A day later, groups in London and Hartlepool yelled Tommy’s name as they clashed with police.” And that was from the allegedly right-wing magazine Spiked.
Any lie told by a far Left activist or mainstream media reporter will be picked up and endlessly repeated until it becomes fixed in many people’s minds as fact. The media does not tell them that, after the murder of the innocents in Southport, allegedly by a second-generation African immigrant, immediately covered up by the police and MSM, and then swept under the carpet until it was revealed that the suspect had links to Islamist terrorism, Robinson was in Cyprus with his family and sent out messages asking for calm and an end to the violence.
No, the ‘narrative’ is that Robinson somehow instigated them, with the lie – by the police - that they were organised by the long defunct EDL, a lie eagerly and enthusiastically taken up by the entire MSM, without question or investigation. The same MSM that was very quick to use the term ‘disinformation’ about the rumour, which arose because of official silence, that the killer was a Muslim and recent immigrant. Not one journalist however, used that term about the blatant lie that the ‘Tommy Robinson-founded EDL’ was organising protests.
And it should not be forgotten, or forgiven, that the MSM colluded with the police, the local authorities, the Crown Prosecution (led by Starmer) the government and the Establishment in covering up the Islamic rape gang scandal, even to the point of accusing the young, vulnerable and often under-age girls of ‘asking for it’ and the police ‘losing’ evidence in the form a girl’s semen-stained underwear. They even arrested the families of the young girl’s who tried to stop the rapes for race hate crimes.
Recorded cases of this are, as Tommy related to Jordan Pertersen, when “two fathers got together, and their two 13-year-old girls were in a house being raped by gangs of Muslim adults, yeah? The two fathers went round to get their daughters back. The police turned up and arrested the fathers. They left the girls in the house.”
Then, as Tommy continues, “There’s another incident in this report. Five Muslim men have a 12-year-old English girl. They’ve got her drunk. She’s in a derelict house. They’re all raping her, yeah? The police turned up. They arrested the 12-year-old girl for being drunk and disorderly.”
Did you ever see this reported in the MSM?
And while he was trying to get this evil stopped the despicable press dismissed him as a racist, Islamophobe and all-round extremist thug. And they stepped up their vilification when he succeeded in bringing the scandal to the public’s attention and they could ignore it no longer, calling him a liar when he told of his cousin who “was a victim at 14. She was hooked on heroin and raped. She woke up being raped by gangs of bearded men . . . in the Muslim community. She ran naked through the streets”.
Robinson was also one of the first to raise the subject of two-tier policing, writing in 2014, on the front page of his local newspaper that “whites and blacks are being religiously, racially targeted in this town. No one’s doing anything about it. There’s a total two-tier policing operation in this town, where they get away with what they want, the Islamic community get away with what they want”. Again, he was roundly condemned and vilified by the whole Establishment apparatus.
So why now believe anything that the MSM, the police, the judiciary or the government say when they talk about Robinson and his alleged crimes?
Robinson has been proven to be right time and time again. He makes the case, based on his youth in Luton, that Islamic communities are being controlled, coerced and brainwashed by the Islamic equivalent of the National Front, which ensures that Muslims are too afraid to fraternise with people of other faiths, and that Muslim children are brought up to regard non-Muslims as less than human - and that this has serious consequences.
But the Establishment and its enforcers regard Robinson as the problem, and take no steps to integrate Muslims or Islam into mainstream British society, appeasing the Islamists at every opportunity. No, their efforts are aimed at stopping Robinson bringing this to the public’s attention – and that is what his persecution and jailing is all about.
So why now believe anything that the MSM, the police, the judiciary or the government when they talk about Robinson and his alleged crimes?
And what are his alleged crimes? I think it axiomatic that any fair-minded person would conclude that they are telling truths that the British Establishment does not want the British people to know.
The latest round of persecution, leading to Tommy being jailed for 18 months, is the culmination of a five-year series of events that began in October 2018, when a video went viral showing a Syrian ‘refugee’ being attacked by another teenager at a school in West Yorkshire. The woke Establishment went berserk, creating a storm of outrage by immediately screaming racism – despite there being nothing in the viral video that gave any hint of the attack being motivated by racism.
The resulting hysteria, caused largely by the hypocritical media, resulted in the 15 year old alleged attacker, a white boy, and his family receiving death threats and being removed from their home by the police at short notice ‘for their own safety’ – to a less than one star hotel, owned by a Muslim in a heavily Muslim area, that rents rooms out by the hour and is located near a brothel. The mother, according to Tommy Robinson in his documentary ‘Silenced’ (still showing on Youtube), demanded that the police let them go and found her own safe place for her 15-year old son, her two young (mixed race) daughters and herself. The lad was forced to miss sitting his GCSE exams.
No doubt the ineffably smug Piers Morgan felt even more satisfied with himself after calling the alleged attacker – a 15-year-old schoolboy - a ‘scumbag’ and ‘vermin’ and demanding ‘severe retribution’ on the boy, all without, apparently, making the slightest effort to verify the facts of what was, after all, a schoolground fight. Jeremy Vine also told his viewers where they could find the alleged racist attacker’s name online, on Twitter.
Robinson then posted on Facebook saying that his investigation had established that the incident was very different to that being reported, and that the white boy had intervened to stop the Syrian attacking a much smaller boy. A case was then brought against Tommy by the Attorney General - a political decision - and the case went to court in 2021. This was, in my opinion, most likely an orchestrated attempt by the authorities to destroy Robinson by Lawfare and bankrupt him.
In preparation for his court case Robinson visited the school and spoke to a large number of people in Huddersfield, who gave a very different story to that being peddled in the MSM, effectively reversing the racist narrative. He found people afraid to speak out or having been paid to sign gagging orders, and so made a documentary, recording conversations.
Robinson’s findings really are shocking, and it is best to watch the documentary yourself and make your own mind up. It certainly persuaded me of the veracity of his case and the mendacity of the Establishment’s. Its story is completely opposite to that put out by the Media and the Establishment, and shows that the police, investigating the playground fight, found no evidence of a racist motive.
The documentary does however, appear to provide evidence that the fight was blown up out of all proportions, initially by Islamists, including some involved in getting the Batley teacher dismissed, and who is now still in hiding, and which involved Muslim councillors who, in an area in which many Muslims were convicted of child rape, had said nothing and made no protest about those outrages. I for one was persuaded that Tommy Robinson’s version was much more likely to be closer the truth than that spread around the world by the MSM, the result of which was a 15-year-old white boy’s life in tatters, him and his family and hiding and the widely-disliked Syrian received £160,000 from deceived well-wishers.
Three years later that same Syrian boy won £100,000 in damages after the High Court ruled, in what has every appearance of a serious miscarriage of justice, that Robinson’s claims against him had amounted to defamation. The court imposed an injunction on him, banning him, a journalist, from making the false claims again. Read the transcripts of the hearing and weep for the lamentable state of British justice.
The judge clearly, in my view, had decided that Robinson was to be found guilty before the trial – held without a jury of course – and arranged the evidence to suite. Robinson produced eleven witnesses to support his version of events, including five young girls who attended the school who said that the Syrian boy had attacked them and was a bully. They did so at some risk to themselves and had nothing to gain, but the Establishment judge, Sir Matthew James Nicklin, airily dismissed them all as liars. One of these brave young girls, with an exemplary school record, in contrast to the Claimant, is now studying law.
Oddly enough, on the day Robinson’s witnesses gave their evidence, neither the Claimant nor the Media turned up in court. They were there, however, when the Claimant’s only supporting witness, his father, named Jihad, gave their evidence. Nobody else would testify in favour of the alleged victim of a racist attack, no pupil or teacher, nobody. But Mr Jihad’s evidence was accepted, and the eleven defence witnesses dismissed as liars, the disgrace of a judge giving no reasoning behind his decision other than saying ‘people lie for all sorts of reasons’.
The MSM of course, ignored all of this and gleefully reported Robinson being found guilty, in pieces full of the usual ‘EDF founder, far right extremist, Islamophobe and the rest.
But in February 2023, the very brave free-speech campaigner repeated what he regards as the truth, and a truth the British people have a right to hear, when he posted online his film claiming he had been ‘silenced’ by the state, a film viewed at least 47 million times, culminating being shown to tens of thousands in Trafalgar Square in July 2024.
Obviously, Tommy Robinson's film makes very serious allegations against the judge, Justice Matthew James Nicklin, who refused to consider evidence in his favour, preferring the flimsy evidence against him. Equally obviously, if Robinson’s criticisms of his trial are correct they are a serious matter of public interest and should therefore be openly discussed and, if they are false, should be easily proven wrong by the MSM. But none have even attempted to do this, and the Establishment has done everything it can to prevent it being brought to the public’s attention. Why? What are they afraid of?
The day after the huge, good-natured and peaceful rally in Trafalgar Square Robinson went abroad on holiday. He was stopped at the border under anti-terrorism laws and held for about six hours under questioning. Now even if you oppose Tommy Robinson, does anybody really think that he is a terrorist? Can this have been anything else than an abuse of the law. Held under anti-terrorism laws a suspect has no right of silence and has to give the police all electronic devices, and no doubt it was information held on his phone that the Establishment was after. Tommy refused to give them the pin code, and so was charge under the anti-terrorism laws – and then released.
This occurred very close to the area where tens of thousands of undocumented males, many Muslim, including that one who threatened Nigel Farage, are allowed unimpeded access to Britain every year.
Tommy Robinson was due to attend that massive and again very peaceful Unite Britain march on Parliament Square on Saturday 26 October, but was arrested the day before – despite being due in court for contempt of court charges the following Monday, in what appears to be a blatant attempt to stop him speaking and, possibly, anger his supporters into violence. If so, it failed.
Tommy pleaded guilty to contempt of court not, as reported, guilty of making slanderous accusations against the Syrian schoolboy.
Contempt can be punished by a fine or up to two years in prison. Contempt of court is not a criminal offence, and the police and Crown Prosecution Service have no power to institute proceedings for contempt and most proceedings are instituted by judges or other parties involved in the case. In my opinion, this is a clear case of the State using the Judiciary to silence critics.
The judge in this latest trial, Mr Justice Jeremy Johnson refused to allow Robinson to make a statement in court. Why? What were his motives? Was it to cover up the biased way in which Justice Matthew James Nicklin conducted the first trial?
Judge Johnson, public school and Oxford, often acts in cases involving the police and government departments and was also a special Advocate and a member of the Attorney General’s Panels for the conduct of civil litigation on behalf of the Government. It is reasonable to say that he is an Establishment figure, trusted by the establishment.
Just over five months ago a new Transparency and Open Justice Board was created. It’s Chairman, Lady Chief Justice Baroness Carr of Walton-On-The-Hill said:
“The judiciary and media share a common duty: we are and must continue to be the guardians of open justice. The greatest threat comes not from direct attack on the principle, but rather from careless – sometimes inadvertent – failures to protect its ideals. I intend the judiciary to step up, continuing to play our important constitutional role of protecting and promoting open justice as an essential element of the rule of law. The Board that I have established will take this important work forward, and I am delighted to be publishing its terms of reference today. It will review and challenge the way that the judiciary works and ensure that openness and transparency is at the heart of what we do. We will renew the promise that justice will not only be done, but will be seen to be done.”
As there appears to have been an obvious lack of transparency in Tommy Robinson’s trials, especially the first one conducted by Justice Matthew Nicklin, these trials would seem to be obvious cases for the new Board to consider.
But there is, however, a small problem with that, The Transparency and Open Justice Board is chaired by none other than Justice Matthew Nicklin, the judge in the first trial. Now that is what you call an Establishment!
This is the statement the judge at his latest trial prevented Tommy Robinson from reading out in court, before jailing him for eigth months:
Your honour, I believe in freedom of speech and freedom of the press. My duty as a journalist is to uncover the truth and I have worked for years to shine light on challenges in society that no one else is willing to speak about.
Have you watched the documentary Your Honour?
If you have watched the film ‘Silenced’ Your Honour you will have seen that I didn’t make accusations and I didn’t make assumptions in the film. I simply repeated what I was told by the Head Teacher of the school and others and what was written in black and white in school documents. I let the witnesses give their testimonies and made it clear that Jamal, in his right to reply, denies all of their accusations against him. I explain Justice Nicklin’s verdict and I explain that I lost the case.
There was nothing else I could have included because Jamal didn’t bring any evidence to court and he didn’t bring anyone to court to speak for him apart from his father, Jihad. No teachers. No social workers. No friends.
It is for this,... REPORTING... for this that I am facing these charges, for this I am facing the prospect of time in a maximum security prison with the risks to my life that presents.
Justice Nicklin’s verdict in this case is extraordinary and while the case caused my divorce and bankruptcy, far more important is the impact his verdict has had on those courageous children who came to court to testify in my defence.
Justice Nicklin effectively discarded their testimonies. He said he didn’t know why they were lying but called them liars nevertheless.
Charlie, a grade A student, didn’t even like me or support me but was courageous enough to come to court to testify. She had a breakdown, she had to be sectioned. Justice Nicklin caused that.
Bailey Maclaren had tried to commit suicide. Thankfully he has started to rebuild his life. He has to overcome the lie that he is racist.
Many others have been affected.
The collateral damage of this scandalous verdict was too great for the public not to know the truth.
Some people still believe the legacy media is there to report what is happening, the truth, rather than push strongly biased accounts driven by ideology or political agendas.
Well, in this case, the press only attended court on the day Jamal and his father gave their accounts. They then left court and didn’t bother to return to hear the testimony of the children who were witnesses for the defence.
The whole balanced picture could not be reported by the legacy media because they weren’t there; they weren’t interested in what the children testifying for the defence had to say.
And then Justice Nicklin tried to prevent the whole picture being given to the public by issuing his injunction, banning the film. Justice Nicklin has banned me from presenting the same evidence that was presented in court.
If it is such a clear-cut case, why is it necessary to hide the facts from the public. If they watched the testimonies of the witnesses, they would surely come to the same conclusion as Justice Nicklin.
What’s the agenda here?
Well the injunction was apparently to protect Jamal’s reputation. Yet it’s not the reputation of Jamal that has been damaged by this legal circus.
I don’t wish any ill for Jamal. I personally think he was a victim of his own predatory lawyers and those who blasted this story around the world for their own purposes.
It’s very telling that Jamal hasn’t asked for me to be prosecuted in this case. Neither have his lawyers. The case has been brought by the Attorney General, by the Government.
In my view there are similarities with the Post Office case. Powerful interests hiding the truth for their own purposes regardless of the terrible consequences for those innocent children I have mentioned, and others.
I could have shown the film ‘Silenced’ at any point in the preceding three years. I didn’t.
However, I did make the decision to play this film in Trafalgar Square on the 27th July this year. and I am grateful to @elonmusk and X for allowing the film to remain available; for standing for freedom of speech and a free press.
So if you’re asking me whether I plead guilty or not guilty, yes, I’m guilty of showing the film in Trafalgar Square on 27th July. And I am guilty of JOURNALISM.
And, although not for you Your Honour, nor for your court nor for the entire justice system, I do have contempt for Justice Nicklin’s ruling and the actions that attempt to hide the truth from the public.
Justice Nicklin fell out with his own father before the case, arguing about me. He should have recused himself before the case even began.
The world is watching. I stand for the truth, for freedom of speech and freedom of the press and if that puts me on the wrong side of Justice Nicklin’s injunction, then so be it.
If I have to sit in jail for speaking the truth; Well I am just one of many people now that this government is imprisoning for things they say; political prisoners.
This government is releasing violent offenders early to make space for people who tweet things they disagree with.
Peter Lynch is the first to have paid the ultimate price. A sixty-one year-old father, and grandfather, non-violent but imprisoned for his views and his speech.
If I have to sit in jail for refusing to be silenced for reporting information that was brought to me for journalism...
Then I am prepared for that.
Thank you
Your Honour.