For another example of the consequences of mass immigration we turn to Sweden, not too long ago a by-word for law-abiding stability, but that was in the days of cultural homogeneity and social consensus now gone. Today it is a multicultural hell hole of gang violence where there has been, on average, at least one bombing every day in January – a situation considered normal - and where even the Swedish Prime Minister says his government has lost control.
The main reason that the Swedish government has lost control over large sections of its major cities is its historic Woke extremism, so bad that a policeman was suspended and scientists prosecuted for saying that most crime, especially of violence and rape, are committed by immigrants. That was despite Swedish government data showing that three out of four murders are committed by migrants, and that the rate of gun murders per capita in Stockholm is 30 times that of London, with a shooting every 28 hours.
In Sweden the term ‘grooming gang’ has a different meaning to the degenerate, squalid affair perpetrated mainly by low-life Pakistani Muslims here. There it means recruiting children as young as 11 to use as contract killers. And the government’s solution? They are ‘considering’ imposing age limits on social media platforms!
This highlights, yet again, that mass immigration and multiculturalism in Sweden and everywhere else it is government policy has had a disastrous effect on public safety and freedom of expression, as individuals and institutions are put under legal and Establishment pressure to avoid discussing the ill-effects of immigration and multiculturalism for fear of offending minorities or inciting violence – and causing these sacred policies to be questioned. Predictably, the policy of promoting diversity at the expense of social cohesion has resulted in unprecedent violence, loss of individual freedom and national identity.
As an example, take the case of Salwan Momika, an atheist Iraqi refugee who arrived in Sweden in 2021, and who came to fame when he burned the Koran and triggered riots across the world. Momika was promptly arrested and charged with “agitation against an ethnic or national group”.
His trial was supposed to be held last week, and he should have been sentenced today. But this will no long go ahead as suspects unknown have already found him guilty and decided on his sentence: death. That sentence was carried on 29 January, when he was shot near his home following death threats.
Oddly enough, there have been no riots or protests against his murder, obviously unimportant, even justifiable compared with burning a book. In a sane world those in power would conclude that there is something very wrong with the screaming, chanting, death threatening fanatics that erupt every time their delicate sensitivities are upset and take steps to stop them. In our world those in power seek to protect them.
To be clear, the majority of Muslims do not issue death threats, or congregate around school gates demanding a teacher be fired, or worse. No, it is the Islamist fanatics who are a threat to all of us, moderate Muslims included. The fanatics are often the ‘community leaders’ Europe’s even more dangerous governing class prefers to deal with, showering them with abundant amounts of taxpayer’s money.
I can’t remember members of any other religion acting like that, even when fellow religionists have been murdered by Muslims. It is not rational human behaviour to get so worked up over burning a book, a bit of paper. But we are told, it’s their holy book, the word of God. Alright, but if a Muslim burned a Bible would we see crowds of Christians chanting death threats? Hell, we don’t even see crowds of Christians chanting death threats when Islamist fanatics murder priests in their churches.

It’s disrespectful, the Islamists say. Yes, it is, but so what? For many non-Muslims, who see only these displays of hatred and fanaticism, there seems to be little about Islam to respect. And of course, burning the Swedish flag is also disrespectful, but that never crosses their mind. Yes, we should respect a Muslim’s right to hold his religion, but we need to make it beyond doubt to them that we are under no obligation to respect the religion itself and have every right to criticise it if we want.
Looking at the faces of Islamist protestors, distorted with hatred, it seems to me that there might some psychological deficiency at play. A genuine belief in an all-powerful, all-merciful God would surely bring about a feeling of serenity, untroubled by trifles such as the childish Koran burning. However, the intensity of the reaction suggests a lack of emotional maturity and a deep-seated inferiority. Surely mature individuals and communities, confident in their faith, might be expected to respond to provocation and insults with calm and measured argument, rather than with death threats and violence.
Could it be, therefore, that the irrational over-reaction to the burning of a book indicates a sense of insecurity? If Islamists feel the need to violently and aggressively defend their holy book from ‘desecration’, might it not be a sign that they feel their religion is under threat but is insufficiently robust to withstand criticism or insult.
Might it not be for this reason that Islamists are unable to tolerate free speech and differing opinions which, in a democratic country includes the right to offend. Protesting violently against the burning of the Koran or any other perceived insult, no matter how slight is, beyond doubt, a sign of weakness and immaturity and completely at odds with the workings of open societies. Sadly, the Globalist Establishment encourages this extreme behaviour, especially in its use of hate crime laws and desire to bring in blasphemy laws to protect the virulent form of Islam it has nurtured.
Anyone who has listened to ‘community leaders’ on telly will be aware that the Islamist has a well-developed victim mentality, perpetually under attack, responding defensively and aggressively to any perceived slight. This, in my eyes, is sign of inferiority, suggestive of a lack of confidence in their or their religion’s ability to engage with and counter criticism in a constructive manner.
The scale and intensity of the protests are wholly disproportionate to the act of burning a book, even a holy one. You might be able to understand such a reaction if, say, a group of young girls at a dance class had been murdered, or thousands, of underaged girls had been raped. But burning a book?
These fanatical Islamo-supremacists must be isolated and stopped in their tracks, for the good of all of society, including moderate Muslims (in my view the majority). I have lived and worked close up with Muslims, having sailed on ships with Muslim crews. I have lived and/or worked for longish periods in Dubai, Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore, and worked closely with companies in Jordan and Morrocco – and have never, not once, come across anything like the jihadi fanatics we see controlling the narrative in Sweden, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany and UK.
The multicultural disaster needs to be reversed very quickly before mutually loathing parallel societies, living in isolation from one another, become entrenched. No democracy can function where a society fundamentally lacks social cohesion and mutual understanding. Social trust is crucial for democracy, trust that the loser accepts losing, that people have a right to say what they want and that basic cultural norms are shared. If people feel alienated from other groups, they may be less willing to engage in democratic processes and more likely to support extreme measures.
And this is a real danger. The globalist Establishment, in its desire to end the nation state, has pushed multiculturalism too far too fast. Government across western Europe and the English-speaking world are now seen rightly seen as the enemy. Their response to this, subversion of law, democracy and free speech together with brutal suppression of critics, is only fanning the flames and risks promoting what could turn into civil war. And it is they who are the real enemy, the facilitators of Islamist extremism.
Even the staid, tolerant Swedes have had enough and across Europe we can see signs of people concluding that if the State will not defend them, they will defend themselves. The Swedes voted in a centre-Right coalition, similar to the Tories and just as untrustworthy, but also gave a nationalist party similar to Reform significant influence. The result was a tightening of immigration rules that resulted in a large drop in asylum claims, but also handwringing among the woke and dissatisfaction in many for not going far enough. And multiculturalism remains taboo. The result is a society that has almost lost everything it once was.
Sweden enjoyed a high standard of living, a well-functioning welfare state, and a low crime rate. It was tightly knit, with shared values and a common purpose. However, the Establishment’s extreme mass immigration and multiculturalism - the proportion of immigrants of non-European origin went from 2% to 15% between 1985 and 2015, mainly from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan - has destroyed all that.
The Swedes, like us, are now facing the consequences of their Establishment’s insane ideology, an Establishment that still refuses to admit it got it badly wrong, and which refuses to do anything but tinker with the system that created such a mess. Some years ago, at a rally in Florida, Donald J Trump said that because Sweden “took in large numbers” of Muslim immigrants and refugees there were no go zones where the police feared to tread. The globalist Establishment and their tame poodles in the MSM erupted in anger almost as virulent – though less sincere – as a crowd of Islamist fanatics after a Koran burning, and the Swedish government dismissed it as lies. But they are not dismissing it now, as it is commonly accepted that there are 61 ‘no-go zones’ in Sweden, where the police do not dare enter.
It seems obvious now that the globalist Establishment in Europe as embodied by the old, failed parties of government either do not want to deal with this now existential problem, do not know how to deal with it, or both. It is, therefore, down to us, the Sven Svensons and Joe Bloggs, to put a stop to it before it destroys us.