In a recent article, I spoke of pattern recognition and its importance in forming our sense of the “out there” and how to interact with it. Following on, I want to show you how fragile this is and how legerdemain can also be used to trick thought sequencing and focus perception in ways that are not helpful to individuals, but are very helpful to those in power.
To do this, I am going to use Covid as an example of the elite’s first serious attempt of trying out legerdemain on a world scale. You can apply this to other circumstances that you might be struggling with as well if you like.
Firstly, we must think about the conditions that are needed in order for this technique to work:
One: in circumstances such as magic tricks, there is an acceptance that you do not know what is actually happening, but you could possibly work it out if you are lucky or keep your focus on the right part at the right time. So, there is anticipation and heightened awareness.
Two: there must be a heightened emotional state present in more than one person. Most legerdemain is done in front of an audience. Even if it is only focused on one person there is usually a crowd watching to see what happens.
Three: when your emotional experience starts to become part of a similar crowd experience, it changes to a herd experience and your individuality is temporarily suspended for the length of the trick, to ensure the magician is not found out.
We now have the conditions needed to play.
Thinking of Covid.
Firstly, we had very little information coming out to begin with, except that something very dangerous was coming our way and the government was doing everything it could to support us all staying well. This caused unlimited speculation and rising anxiety in the population.
Then we had the quarantined ship debacle. Truth be told, it gave us a miniature example of how Covid behaves in a population, but the media were too busy calling it a death ship to look at the situation rationally.
We were told every day how close it was to landing in this country and we must do whatever we could to defend our shores.
By the time quarantine was enacted, the majority were terrified of catching it and stripped the supermarkets bare so they could last months without leaving the house.
So, two of the conditions have now been filled. We are on high alert, anxiously scanning the horizon for the threat and have developed the required herd mentality.
The NHS suddenly switched from becoming a health care provider to becoming something we had a duty to protect from the virus. They nearly overplayed their hand with that one, as the tick Tok videos of nurses dancing in empty A&E departments showed. The narrative had to be quickly adapted.
What next? Ah yes, the legerdemain part, which means that we have to be tricked into accepting a false narrative sequence for the required time in order for people, who know it is not real, to be able to carry on as normal, complete their plans and then when ready, produce the vaccine like a rabbit out of a hat; that is, to complete the trick.
I assume that most if not all of you have dropped the herd mentality around Covid and can now view what happened on a more individual and less emotional perspective.
As an aside, the response I give to someone banging on about climate change is that when Bill Gates stops flying, or using electricity, or driving a car, and starts to live as his ancestors did when they first landed in America, then I will take it seriously.
With Covid, several things happened at once to show it was sleight of hand off the back of fear. Professor pantsdown got his name through going to visit his girlfriend when lockdown was on. His reply was that he didn’t think the rules applied to him. This is the equivalent of a spare ace dropping out of your sleeve at the wrong moment.
Why did no one question this? After all, these were supposedly life-saving measures; unless of course they weren’t.
My favourite was being allowed to eat in a restaurant without your mask but having to put it on to go to the loo, and then having to be out by ten pm in case you had that last drink, causing you to breathe over everyone and kill them.
Apparently Covid does not move when you are eating, only when you are being naughty and not doing as you are told.
There are so many examples that it would take a book to list them all. More and more crazy things for people to do until the vaccine saviour came over the horizon to save us.
Why? Well, everyone, with the help and encouragement of the media were so terrified that they would agree to anything to stay alive and so viciously turned on anyone with an opposing view.
Politicians, and favoured “scientists”, drunk on power used the public as an experiment in coercion, thinking of more and weirder ideas to make them run a different way round the maze in their blind fear of an awful death.
Not very nice people.
The fact that nearly all politicians, including a lot of media types behaved in a totally different way to what they had prescribed to the public majority, should have shown people that this was not the killer disease they had been terrified into believing it was.
So why didn’t it?
Legerdemain again. Boris’s birthday cake proved that. Instead of asking why Boris, in-spite of having had a bad bout of Covid himself, did not feel the need to take better care of his health, the switch to Johnson’s cake and the conservatives don’t care about you and have made you miss your granny’s dying moments was a masterpiece of distraction.
Every time someone tried to say don’t you think this is over the top and you are locking down the wrong people anyway, they were either shut up and accused of spreading false information that could kill, or another aspect of what was going on was focused on.
Drawing people’s attention away from what they should have been focusing on and maintaining herd panic was essential until the vaccine came out, or maybe people might start to think they didn’t need it.
I never wore a face mask. Not because I’m too clever by half for my own good, or that I wanted to kill everyone but because I made a conscious effort not to join the herd.
When the face mask rules came out at work, there were exemptions for people with asthma, or who were subject to panic attacks or had other breathing difficulties. Ask To me, that made no sense. If it’s a life-threatening respiratory condition, such people should be shielded; not allowed to roam around without a mask.
Look at it this way. A deadly virus appears. What would you expect to happen? Well, first of all, is there anything we are currently using that could help; or do we really need a new medicine.
Isolate vulnerable groups and anyone who has it and let the rest go about their business.
Don’t engender panic and learn from other countries who have had experience of harmful viruses.
Now think about what happened in this country; insane isn’t it? A return to sanity was never on the cards until the government was good and ready, and that includes Labour and the Lib Dumbs as the two main opposition parties.
A more sobering point is that none of this would have been possible without the media and the internet. Getting people to act with a hive mind and without question requires large enough groups to be influenced at the same time, in order for them to police the dissenters and keep the trick going.
Years ago, when we just had newspapers, opinions were much more divided and the same piece of news might be seen totally differently in Manchester than it was in Liverpool, even though geographically they are not that far apart.
My conclusion? Being fooled into having a herd mentality can seriously damage your health!
I hope this run-through of how government uses legerdemain has been entertaining. I realise that so many questions can come out of an article of this type and I can only say that what I have not focused on is probably as important as what I have and I ask your pardon in advance.
Xandra H